2019 filtering statistics part 1

We have already passed the equator of 2019 year and heading to a bit colder part of the year. It’s good that our spamsters are not affected by weather and continue working hard regardless of the season. First half of 2019 did bring us lots of old spam waves and phishing messages and some new of course. However, if we look back into 2018 and compare results of the same period, we can see that the number of spam messages compared to valid ones overall is descending.

Chain letters, porn spam, money scams and email spoofing were the most popular new spam messages along with old school fraud and lottery winning ones. Looking back into statistics of 2018 spam filtering we can see that there were 170 M messages filtered during first half of last year and only 73 M (43%) of them were classified as valid messages.
Yes, that’s correct 97 M messages were blocked by our Spamsters which is 57% of the total number. A big amount of spam, you might think, but the good news is that garbage stays in your blocked list. Another visible trend compared to previous years is that the spam part is getting lower. This year first half brings us the following numbers:

Filtered: 181 M

Valid: 108 M (60%)

Spam: 73 M (40%)

As you can see this year numbers of all filtered messages are almost the same as the last year first half. However, valid messages beaten the spam ones – yay! According to our statistics we can see March is being “the most spamming month” while May brought us the biggest amount of messages to filter.

We can also see that starting from May till now the amount of spam messages is decreasing a bit. Probably due to high season of vacation not only for recipients of spam messages but for senders as well 🙂

Let’s wait a few months till December to see how this year charts will end up.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned!

2 thoughts on “2019 filtering statistics part 1

  1. My Spamdrain has completely stopped working, I want a refund, I paid for a year March 30, 2019. Spamdrain quit August of 2019; it was not cheap and no I have not said that

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