There are a few days left in 2019 and it is time to sum up our spamsters hard work during this year.
This year our spamsters worked even harder than the last one. If we look at the last year numbers we can see, that there were 348M messages filtered (almost 1 million messages per day) and this year we already have 405M messages filtered. Yes, keep in mind that we still have a few days left in this year and considering all the holidays spam messages we might get more messages filtered. By doing simple math you can see that our spamsters usually filter close to 13 messages per second. For instance, from the time you start reading this blog post there are already up to 1000 messages filtered.
As you already know, the messages at the statistics menu at your account are divided into valid, spam, virus, newsletters blocked and newsletters not blocked columns. Here are the numbers of filtered messages per column:
- Valid: 135 M
- Spam: 86 M
- Virus: 0,2 M
- Newsletters blocked: 58 M
- Newsletters not blocked: 126 M
Here is a better visualization of the numbers:
Please feel free to check the statistics of your personal account here. We hope you might find interesting to see the stats of your own Spamster hard work.
We hope next year we will filter even more messages (and less spam messages of course 😉 )
Thanks for reading!