Recently we have posted an article dedicated to 2016 achievements of Spamdrain team.
However we would like to pay special attention to our Spamsters hard work during last year.
In this post we are sharing some surprising facts about our Spamsters daily work.
It turned out that our Spamsters filtered 477.65 M messages during last year and only 148.74 M (31%) of them were classified as valid messages.
Doing simple mathematics we found out that 328.91 M messages were classified as spam which is 69% of the total number. As you can see, the load of spam messages is twice bigger than of valid ones. We can surely say, that spammers are trying to “improve” these stats every year 🙂
Using those number we tried to calculate how much time is spent on spam checking every day. If you are super fast person who checks one spam message in one second, you will spend 10,5 years in order to check 328.91 M spam messages. But what if you spend 5 seconds to check one spam message, or even 10? Billions of wasted seconds and hours… If you are using your email address added to the filtering for business, you can calculate the price of such time depending on hourly cost. Billions of lost money…
Our average customer receives approximately 40 spam messages a day which are being filtered by our hard working spamsters. What if you do not have your own spamster and spend, let’s say 5 seconds to read/check/remove the spam message? That will cost you up to 20 hours per year to check those spam messages. Realizing that, our spamster are working even harder, because they want you to spend that time with your family, friends, even with your cat or dog.
We hope you enjoyed the article and now you are more happy to have your spamster than before.
Please feel free to share this post and help other people to save their precious time.
Thanks for reading!