Virus e-mail circulating with “Räkningen” in subject row

An e-mail message with “Räkningen” in the subject row is currently being spread, containing a compressed .exe file that is infected with a virus. The e-mail is written in Swedish and is being sent from Swedish senders, among others.

At SpamDrain we have discovered that some virus programs do not yet recognise the virus, which is why it is important to be particularly attentive. Norton Anti-virus does not pick it up, for example. On the other hand, F-Secure recognises it as Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Small.aso. SpamDrain now blocks this message before it reaches our members.

“We believe that attacks like this will become increasingly common in future, with viruses, phishing and spam mails being written in Swedish,” explains Henric Müller, CEO of Trillian AB. “Perpetrators are realising it’s easier to get through when they write in the recipient’s language. We’re focusing strongly on this by ensuring that SpamDrain’s AI engine learns new spam patterns more quickly.”

Hometech Center AB new reseller

Hometech Center AB has today become a certified SpamDrain reseller. Hometech Center sells computers, projectors, LCD and plasma TVs, etc., and will now recommend SpamDrain to its customers. It will also offer SpamDrain in combination with existing products and services.

Ny phishing-attack mot Nordea

På dåligt skriven svenska drabbades återigen Nordea av en phishing-attack. Syftet var att försöka stjäla engångskoder som används när man loggar in och gör ärenden i Nordeas internetbank. Som SpamDrain-användare har du inte bara ett förstklassigt skydd mot denna typen av attacker utan även mot spam och virus.

På grund av dålig svenska och felaktigt kodat meddelande (å, ä och ö visades felaktigt) är det dock inte särskilt troligt att någon högg i betet denna gång.