Support for retrieving e-mail via SSL

There is now support for connecting to our servers with SSL (secure connection). SpamDrain can also be used to connect to providers that support SSL. In this way, an encrypted channel is assured all the way from the user to the final server. SSL support is available for all SpamDrain Professional users.

SpamDrain subscribers avoided phishing attack against Nordea

When 1.6 million Nordea customers were at risk of having their bank accounts emptied in the early hours of Tuesday, SpamDrain subscribers could rest assured.

“SpamDrain stopped the e-mail that asked Nordea’s customers to reveal their account codes via a false website. We’re very pleased that the filter has once again proved its effectiveness,” says Henric Müller, CEO of Trillian AB.

Read more about the attack at and Nordea .

Fler guider för e-postprogram i hjälpen

Guider för Mail (Mac) och Eudora (Mac) har lagts till i hjälpen. Vi hoppas det ska underlätta för er som använder dessa e-postprogram. Vi är mycket tacksamma att ni fortsätter rapportera till oss vilka e-postprogram som ni vill ha guider för.

More guides for e-mail programs in Help

Guides for Mail (Mac) and Eudora (Mac) have been added to Help. We hope this will make things easier for people using these e-mail programs. We are very grateful to you for continuing to report which e-mail programs you would like guides for.

Lansering av SpamDrain Professional och SpamDrain Basic

Efter en lyckad testperiod lanseras den 15 juni SpamDrain Professional och SpamDrain Basic. Med SpamDrain Professional får man ett komplett skydd mot både spam och e-postburna virus, som stoppas innan de når datorn.Läs även pressmeddelandet

SpamDrain Professional är anpassad för mindre företag och just nu kan man prova tjänsten gratis t.o.m 1 september. SpamDrain Basic är helt gratis och kan endast användas av privatpersoner. I SpamDrain Basic ingår inget virusskydd.

Läs mer om SpamDrain Basic och SpamDrain Professional

Planerade driftstörningar måndag 13 juni

Måndagen den 13 juni kommer vi att göra uppdateringar som kräver att vi stänger ner tjänsten en kortare stund. Det kan därför uppstå vissa driftstörningar mellan kl 18.00 – 19.00 denna dag. Om allt går som det ska kommer avrottet inte bli längre än några minuter.

Launch of SpamDrain Professional and SpamDrain Basic

After a successful test period, SpamDrain Professional and SpamDrain Basic are being launched on 15 June. SpamDrain Professional provides complete protection against spam and e-mail borne viruses, which are stopped before they reach the computer.Also read the press release

SpamDrain Professional is adapted for smaller companies and can now be tried out free of charge until 1 September. SpamDrain Basic is completely free and can only be used by private individuals. SpamDrain Basic does not include virus protection.

Read more about SpamDrain Basic and SpamDrain Professional

Planned operational outages on Monday 13 June

On Monday 13 June, we will be making updates that require us to shut down the service for a short while. There may therefore be some operational disruptions between the hours of 18.00 and 19.00 CET on this date. If everything goes as planned, the interruption will be no longer than a few minutes.