Nätbedragare söker nya pengatvättare

Ett nytt spam har dykt upp inom den senaste timmen. Mailet går ut på att ett Ukrainskt IT-företag behöver din hjälp med att skynda på pengatransaktioner mellan Sverige och Ukraina. Du ska ta emot pengar och sedan skicka dessa vidare. Som kompensation får du 8% av pengarna du hjälper till att flytta.

Vi har sett den här typen av mail tidigare. Att det skulle handla om ett Ukrainskt IT-företag är med största sannolikhet inte sant. Snarare är det personer som ligger bakom olika typer av nätfiske, tex attackerna som Nordea utsatts för, som med detta mail söker sk målvakter. Målvakten är den som får ta skulden när bedrägerierna avslöjas medan de som verkligen är skyldiga till brotten undgår rättvisan. I Nordea-fallet har man hittat ett hundratal målvakter där många riskerar att ställas eller redan har ställts inför rätta.

Vi vill uppmana alla som får detta meddelande att absolut inte nappa på erbjudandet. Meddelandet känns igen på ämnesraden som är Earnings with us. Hela meddelandet återges nedan:

Hello Sir/Madam,
I am Oleg Kalina, owner Softline, we specializingin enterprise application development, systemintegration,corporate networks and other software solutions for business, finance, and for various types of problems.
My company based in Ukraine. We’ve earned ourselves a reputation of a reliable and trustworthy partner working successfully with a number of West European companies and providing them with reliable software development services in financial and media sectors.
Unfortunately we are currently facing some difficulties with receiving payments for our services. It usually takes us 10-30
days to receive a payment and clearing from your country and such delays are harmful to our business. We do not have so much time to accept every wire transfer.
That’s why we are currently looking for partners inyour country tohelp us accept and process these payments faster.
If you are looking for a chance to make an additional profit you can become our representative in your country. As our
representative you will receive 8% of every deal we conduct. Your job will be accepting funds in the form of wire transfers and check payments and forwarding
them to us. It is not a full-time job, but rather a very convenient and fast way to receive additional income. We also consider opening an office in your country in the nearest future and you will then have certain privileges should you decide to apply for a
full-time job.
Please if you are interested in transacting business with us we will be very glad.

Please contact me for more information via softlineuapoljob@aim.com and send us the following information about yourself:
1. Your Full Name as it appears on your resume.
2. Education.
3. Your Contact Address.
4. Telephone/Fax number.
5. Your present Occupation and Position currently held.
6. Your Age

Please respond and we will provide you with additional details on how you can become our representative. Joining us and
starting business today will cost you nothing and you will be able to earn a bit of extra money fast and easy. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us with all your questions.

Oleg Kalina,
Director of Softline

Förresten, sa jag att SpamDrain stoppar detta mail? 😉