More iOS beta testers wanted

As we announced last week we now have released the first beta of our new iOS app and the beta testing is going well. In a week we will release a second beta and hopefully after that we will be able to push it to App Store.

Before we publish the second beta we will now open up for more beta testers. So if you haven’t signed up for a beta testing account in TestFlight already, please do so now. Remember to add your device as well – otherwise we won’t be able to send you any beta-releases.

Join the beta program

TestFlight_Color_Full_LightBG_CMYK We use Testflight for this beta program which is a well known platform for rolling out test versions of iOS apps. Click the button above to sign up with Testflight and join our beta program.

Once you have added your iOS devices and we have approved you as tester you will be able to install our current beta release.