Beta testers wanted for new version of our iOS app

The past months we have been working on new versions of our mobile apps for iOS and Android. We will release both of them later this year starting with iOS in Q1 followed by Android in Q2. For our iOS app we have reached the point where we soon would like some help from our fantastic users. That’s right – you! Before we release the app to the App Store we would to get some help testing it to iron out any remaining bugs and get some final feedback before we go live.

Join the beta program

TestFlight_Color_Full_LightBG_CMYK We use Testflight for this beta program which is a well known platform for rolling out test versions of iOS apps. Click the button above to sign up with Testflight and join our beta program. Once we have a first beta ready for you to try out you will receive an email from Testflight with instructions on how to get it installed onto your device.

Below you see a sneak preview of the blocked (old archive) and allowed (old report) message lists.

New blocked with search function

New blocked with search function

New allowed email list with search function

New allowed email list with search function

Donation counter stopped – 1,331,461 spam blocked

As we said in earlier post we will donate SEK 0.01 for every blocked spam during the charity event Musikhjälpen for girls’ right to go to school. The event has now come to an end and our spam counter stopped at 1,331,461 blocked spam. This results in a donation of SEK 13,314.61.
Hopefully it will give more girls the right to go to school. The entire event brought in over SEK 18 million (about USD 2.6 million).
Thank you all customers for choosing SpamDrain as your primary filtering service.
Merry Christmas to you all!

We will donate 0,01 SEK for each blocked spam this week for girls’ right to go to school

Alla flickor har rätt att gå i skola.

SpamDrain skänker 1 öre per blockerat spam under veckan Musikhjälpen pågår.

This week the charity event Musikhjälpen is being held in Göteborg, Sweden. Swedish Radio and Swedish Television run the event and raise money for children’s rights under the parole “All girls have the right to go to school”.

SpamDrain has once again decided to donate 1 öre (0,01 SEK) for each spam we block during the week of the event. A normal week we block about 1 300 000 spam.

Amount to be donated (now final):

SEK 13314.61

counter will stop at 2011-12-18 when Musikhjälpen ends.

Remember, all girls have the right to education!

More info: (Swedish).

Help your friends get rid of spam and receive free SpamDrain months

Today we have made it easier for you to share SpamDrain and for you to get something out of it. Well, you probably already know that if everyone was using a great spam filter, sending spam wouldn’t pay off and the internet would be a much better and happier place. Help us making the world spam free by inviting your friends and colleagues to join SpamDrain and we will reward you with free months.

We have added a new Sharing page Share SpamDrain where you can send invites or share SpamDrain in your social networks, blogs, web pages etc. Simply Log in to your SpamDrain account and hit the Share icon in the upper right corner.

For every paying new filtered address you generate, we will add extra months to your subscription – depending on how many addresses you currently filter. For example, if you filter one address today, you will receive three free months for every new paying filtered address you generate. If you filter two addresses you will receive 1.5 free months for every new filtered address.

The more addresses your friends filter the more free months you receive. Isn’t that great?

If you are generating great volumes you will have the opportunity to join our reseller program instead and start earning real money.

So, start sharing today and make the world a bit more spam free.

Other new features in this update

  • Messages that you have retrieved from the archive can now be displayed and re-delivered.
  • Clearer indication when a message is blocked due to blacklisted sender.
  • Remove entries from blacklist.
  • You may now extend your subscription even when there is more than a year left.

Support closed for summer holidays

Our support will be closed for the summer holidays starting at 18 July 2011 and re-opens again 15 August 2011. We will answer your e-mails as usual during the working days, but the phone support will be closed.

Have a nice summer!

New filter blocks newsletters and marketing emails

For some time we have working on a new type of filter which blocks newsletters and marketing emails. We have being testing it for a while we are really happy with the progress. So today we tell you a little bit more about how it works. Really soon we will enable new functionality in our iPhone, Android and web apps, enabling you to control this filter. (We actually updated our web site today already)

First, some background. As you know you can report spam that SpamDrain has failed to block. This is done in our mobile apps or by logging on to our web site. We have noticed that different users have different definitions of spam. The most obvious definition might be “spam is everything I don’t want in my inbox” (even messages you have accepted to receive but don’t take the time to unsubscribe to). However, there is a problem with this definition. Some people want coupon offers from their local store and some do not want them. With viagra mail it’s much simpler – nobody wants that crap.

We have therefore chosen to introduce this new filter which identifies newsletters and marketing emails and put them in your Archive marked as “Newsletters”. These emails are always listed in your daily/weekly/monthly SpamDrain report so you never have to worry about missing important offers. Of course, you will be able to retrieve/release these blocked message as usual. When retrieving blocked messages from the Archive, SpamDrain will learn not to block similar messages again. You can also turn this filter entirely off.

To train our filters to become even more efficient, we appreciate if you our users could give us a little help when retrieving a message: You will now be asked to classify the message. By helping us deciding why you are retrieving a specific message you will help improving the overall filtering accuracy. The choice you will be given is:

You will get the same question when retrieving a message in the mobile apps.

We hope you will like these improvements – and hey, if you don’t – you can always turn the newsletter filter off. We hope you will enjoy receiving even less spam in the future. Please let us know what you think about these updates.

Please let us know what you think about these updates.

More for more information about the newsletter filter and retrieval of messages from the Archive.

Support closed for holidays

Our support will be closed during the holidays and re-opens again January 10 2011. Phone support will be closed and we will only answer urgent support cases via e-mail.

We wish you all a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We will donate 0,01 SEK for each blocked spam this week

This week the charity event Musikhjälpen is being held in Malmö, Sweden. Swedish Radio and Swedish Television run the event and raise money for children’s rights under the parole “Children are not for sale”.

SpamDrain has decided to donate 1 öre (0,01 SEK) for each spam we block during the week of the event. A normal week we block about 700 000 spam.

Amount to be donated (now final):

SEK 6883,34

counter will stop at 2010-12-19 when Musikhjälpen ends.

Remember, children are not for sale!

More info: (Swedish).

Support closed for holidays

Our support will be closed during the holidays and re-opens again January 11 2010. We will answer your e-mails as usual during the working days, but the phone support will be closed.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!