The latest release of mobile apps


Great news! Both Android and iOS mobile applications are live and available in Google Play and App Store. Make sure the auto update is turned on in your device and if not it’s time to update the app!

Now let’s get to what’s inside!

Swipe to delete:

We’ve added a new feature to both blocked and allowed lists. You can delete the messages from the list with no need to open it. Just swipe from the right to the left and the messages will be removed within the list. The deleted message can be restored if you click UNDO in the bottom note, which appears right after message deletion.

Another thing that we would like to mention is that we’ve added support for many of email providers (Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL, Google):

and if you are the owner of the email address at one of the listed above email provider you should be able to get spam free Inbox with less than a minute and for a price that is lower than a cup of coffee

We have also improved the overall productivity of the app and fixed some minor bugs.

We hope you enjoy the fresh apps! Feel free to contact us if you would like to provide us with feedback or report any issues you run into. Please send your feedback to

More updates to come so stay tuned!

2020 filtering stats

It is already 2021 and 2020 is finally (or not) over. It has become a good tradition to look back on the year that’s passed and provide you with annual spam filtering stats. Let’s have a quick look on the spam filtering statistics. Here is the diagram that shows visualization of different types of messages:

As you can see, this chart shows that all the messages types have almost the same percentage. Only the virus percentage is on a very low level and we think it is not that bad. Here is the detailed overview (M – millions of messages):

  • Valid: 57 M
  • Spam: 73 M
  • Virus: 0,3 M
  • Newsletters blocked: 55 M
  • Newsletters not blocked: 55 M

Please feel free to check the statistics of your personal account here. We hope you might find it interesting to see the recent stats of your own account.

We hope next year we will filter even more messages (and less spam messages of course).

Thanks for reading!

Spam appearing like Twitter e-mail updates

Maybe  you have seen the spam messages that looks just like a normal update from Twitter? The design and texts are identical to the Twitter original, informing you that you have 3 new messages or that someone has started to follow you. However, when you click the link that appears to go to Twitter, you end up at some drug store that sells these famous blue pills – or at least a cheap copy of them. Continue reading

Focus on scalability, stability and user experience

Lately we have been working hard on handling the recent growth we have had. As you probably have noticed we have had some stability problems and we apologize for that. The last weeks we have made some changes to our infrastructure and started to migrate to new servers. This work will increase performance and provide better fail over than before. We hope this work will be finished within the next 2 – 3 weeks. We’re expecting to carry out the remaining changes without any disruptions to the service.

As a necessary step we have also moved some of our system to the cloud. This will improve the performance of our database servers and will also let us handle backups more efficiently.

In parallel with this work we have also worked on making minor changes to improve the experience of the overall service, such as improving your SpamDrain reports, adding support for payments in USD and support for payments through Paypal. We have also updated our price lists so they are easier to read. The next step on the web site is to make the sign up and on boarding as easy as in our mobile applications. That will be exciting work and hopefully we will be able to help even more people to get rid of annoying and time consuming spam messages.

Until next time – we wish you e-mail peace of mind and hope that you continue reporting your spam to us. That’s what makes the SpamDrain service so fantastic!

SpamDrain Android app now available in Android Market

As a result of the success with our iPhone application we have now released our first version of SpamDrain for Android phones. As for the iPhone application, the Android version gives users the opportunity to sign up for SpamDrain and get started with the filtering of their e-mail.

The application is free and can be used by anyone with a SpamDrain account as well to view some statistics of your account and basic information about your subscription.

SpamDrain iPhone app available in App Store

SpamDrain iPhone Application is now available in App Store. Please give us feedback what you would like to see in the application.

The application enables iPhone users to easily sign up to SpamDrain and get the spam filtering started. When logged on to the application you see statistics for your account and some basic information about your subscription. We hope to add more value to the application during 2010.

One e-mail virus for every tenth valid message

The last 5-6 weeks we have seen an increase of viruses blocked by the SpamDrain filter. The virus proportion has raised to levels around 2 – 3 %. This doesn’t sound much but compare this 0.2 -1 % for previous weeks. Two per cent corresponds to 15,000 viruses per week for our customers only. Since the spam proportion is around 80 % it means that for every tenth valid message there is a virus e-mail. Imagine the damage all these viruses could have made. Continue reading