Have you experienced that spam messages are sent from your address? I can guarantee you that you’re not alone. This happens to all of us. The reason is that the protocol used for sending e-mail, SMTP, is a fairly simple protocol designed in the very beginning of the internet’s history. Anyone may basically put any e-mail address in the From field when sending a message. Spammers use this a lot to make it appear like a friend or a colleague is sending you an important message. Continue reading
One e-mail virus for every tenth valid message
The last 5-6 weeks we have seen an increase of viruses blocked by the SpamDrain filter. The virus proportion has raised to levels around 2 – 3 %. This doesn’t sound much but compare this 0.2 -1 % for previous weeks. Two per cent corresponds to 15,000 viruses per week for our customers only. Since the spam proportion is around 80 % it means that for every tenth valid message there is a virus e-mail. Imagine the damage all these viruses could have made. Continue reading
Fresh spam statistics – now on the front page
Lately we’ve been working on a new front page along with new pages describing the SpamDrain service. Our goal is to give you as a visitor a quick overview of the service and its benefits. Continue reading
Archive page speed improvements
SpamDrain blog moved to new server
We’ve just moved the SpamDrain blog to a new server. The new home is at https://blog.spamdrain.com.
Follow SpamDrain on Facebook
SpamDrain now has a Fan-site on Facebook:
Feel free to become a fan to be updated, join the discussions or just tell us how much you love SpamDrain :-).
Follow SpamDrain on Facebook
SpamDrain now has a Fan-site on Facebook:
Feel free to become a fan to be updated, join the discussions or just tell us how much you love SpamDrain :-).
DNS blacklisting can now be turned off
We have added the possibility for SpamDrain users to turn off the DNS blacklist filter which currently blocks messages sent from known spam servers. Why would you want to do that, you might wonder? (…or you just wonder What is DNS blacklisting ;-)). Continue reading
“Man måste klippa till med en gång”
IDG skriver:
Alla infekterade Teliakunder måste kopplas bort från nätet eller få sina datorer rensade innan Microsoft tar bort spärren, enligt Microsofts Martin Tiveus.